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  • Writer's pictureJoelle Giacomo, LSW

Becoming a Conscious Creator

Do you believe we hold the power within us to self-heal?

Do you believe in the power of your mind on your mental wellness, physical wellness, and relationship wellness?

If you answered no then I hope to change your perception by the time I am through.

Self-healing is a taboo due to what we have been conditioned to believe. In our current culture we believe that if you are “sick”, mentally or physically, we need to go to a doctor or mental health professional. Of course, these things are helpful in terms of receiving guidance and if you truly are suffering from a physical ailment that requires medical intervention or medication than it is necessary. However, I truly believe as human beings we can manipulate our energies into ways that can ultimately heal us.

The brain, our thoughts and our perceptions are extremely powerful. Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. In simple terms, the brain can heal. When we actively change our perceptions and thoughts, which has a direct correlation with how we feel, we are helping the brain connect new neural pathways and shedding old cognitive habits that no longer serve us.

Consistency is key when it comes to self-healing. It’s not an easy task. We need to actively identify negative cognition and negative perceptions that are harming us. For example, the cognitive distortion of not being “enough” has consistently ruled my life and my outer world. I have actively identified this thought whenever it pops up, without judging why it’s there or where it came from, and then actively doubting it by affirming myself.

For example:

Cognitive distortion: “You’re not enough, you’ll never be enough, no one will ever truly love you”

Identifying it: “There’s a negative self-thought. I let it ebb and flow within me”.

Affirming self: “I am enough, I am beautiful, I am worthy of love and belonging”.

Once this is consistently done, our brains will learn which form of thought is unhelpful and quickly assist you in affirming yourself and letting it go.

We only have control over us. We have no control over others or the universe. Coming to terms with that fact and learning to change and shift what you can control is the first step in conscious awareness. We have the power to change our attitudes, our perceptions, and our mindsets. We do not have the power to change his mindset, her perceptions, or your parents’ attitudes. Once we let go of that unhelpful assumption, we can actively focus on what we can change instead.

We also have the power within to manifest what we want in life. Yes, I do believe there is such things as systemic racism, race privilege, and sexism that can keep people below others in a societal sense but like stated above you can only change your attitude towards it. Manifestation is a form of abundance mindsets, simply it means what you focus on you will bring forth in your reality. If everyday I wake up and tell myself “today I will have money flow to me in abundance, I will feel content, I will advance in my skill set” and so on we are willing those things into our reality. We are actively setting our minds up to succeed, to aim towards goals, and to be hopeful.

A form of this is having a vision board that you look at every morning and every night and actively visualize the life you want.

If we are in a negative mindset and believe we will never amount to anything because life is so hard and unfair then we most likely will not succeed and continuously complain about what we never achieved. If we shift our mindset to one of hope, actively setting goals, and working hard on ourselves we most likely won’t look on our life with regret.

Simple things like working on your mindset can shift your life. It’s only one step in self-healing but I believe it’s one of the hardest.

Do you believe you can change your mindset? Do you believe you can manifest what you desire? Prove it!

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