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  • Writer's pictureJoelle Giacomo, LSW

Learn how to free yourself from anxieties with these 8 easy steps

1. Set boundaries with others. It's OK to say no, it's OK to be assertive, it's OK to quit a job that is not making you feel content, It's OK to end relationships!

2. Make a gratitude list and do this consistently. I suggest doing it both in the morning when you first wake up and before you go to bed.

3. Lower social media and news engagement. A lot of the times these media outlets can be detrimental to our mental well being if we are not in a stable spot mentally. Media fuels fear and social media fuels comparisons. Take breaks from each and limit the usage throughout your day.

4. Exercise or any form of somatic movement. For example: stretching, yoga, dancing, walking, weight lifting, running, or hiking. Exercise or movement is evidence based in reducing anxiety symptoms. Try engaging in it once a day.

5. Eating a balanced diet. Did you know 90% of our serotonin (our happy neurochemical) is developed in the gut!!?? Research shows eating a Mediterranean diet or a Japanese diet is the best for gut health and the healthy microbiome that lives there!

6. Getting 8 hours of sleep! Sounds easy enough right? People who suffer from anxiety might have trouble sleeping so this takes structure and dedication. My suggestion is shutting all electronics off an hour before bed and leaving them away from your bedroom. I also suggest reading something that is easy to put down or practicing some deep breathing or meditation. We want to try and unwind the mind as much as possible.

7. Drinking plenty of water and limiting caffeine!

8. Surrounding yourself with positive people and supports. If you have friends who only like to gossip, engage in drama, or consistently have negative mindsets; it's time to set boundaries and spend some time away from those people.We want to surround ourselves with energy that is good for our mental wellness.

Happy healing!

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