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  • Writer's pictureJoelle Giacomo, LSW

My Essential List of Coping Skills

There's a few coping skills that I deem essential to learn and practice.

I believe a large list of skills is great to have in your mental wellness "toolbox" but I believe a few are needed daily to continue building a stronger mindset.

1. Breath work

Breath work is essential for strengthening mindfulness, surrendering to suffering, practicing nonjudgmentalness & self compassion. Breath work allows us to watch our thoughts and not engage with them, just watch them ebb and flow as we focus on our breathing and its patterns. Breath work assists in building on our self compassion while we suffer through our work as we begin to heal. As we feel emotional, physiological or physical pain we focus and lean into the our breathing; allowing our feeling and thoughts to move through us like the energy that they are, leaving our body with the exhale.

2. Movement (exercise, stretching, walking)

Movement is essential to strengthen our bodies and physiology. When we move our bodies we get in touch with our physical being. When we move we should practice tuning into our heartbeat, our breathing, our pores, our glands that release the sweat on our skin. We want to become one with our bodies. Movement and practicing tuning into our bodies also enhances mindfulness and assists us in building back up our intuition, our trust in our bodies and our bodies signals.

3. Observation of Our Thinking

I believe building on observing our thinking is the first step to change our thinking patterns or at the least not engage with the patterns as often. Observation is needed to build on your awareness of how your thinking effects your feelings, perceptions, and your behaviors.

4. Gratitude

Gratitude helps with shifting perceptions of the world around you and ultimately assists in mindset. Gratitude should be practiced consistently either everyday or throughout the day if you find yourself dealing with more depression. If we are able to identify even one thing we are grateful for our life might seem a little bit brighter than before. Making a small list in the morning can paint your day a bit brighter and making one int he evening can settle you into a peaceful rest.

5. Small Obtainable Goals

Making very small and very obtainable goals for yourself either daily or weekly. This will build self trust as you'll be able to get to these goals with no problem. This will assist in building smaller habits with ease and help with feeling motivated to work towards them.

6. Self Compassion

Being kind to yourself always! Praising yourself when you do something you deem as "good", saying it's ok to yourself when you do something you deem as "bad", and providing yourself with love and self care when you're having a "not so good" day. Always try to be kind to yourself.

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