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  • Writer's pictureJoelle Giacomo, LSW

The Ability to Answer Our Own Questions

Feeling stuck, lost, or uncertain about where you are in life?

I've felt that way many times, too many times to count. It's always an odd feeling, almost like you're stuck in limbo with no true direction. Sometimes it feels very uncomfortable other times distressing and other times confusing.

Funny thing is, a lot of the times we already know the answers inside of us. Years of core beliefs make us uncertain of ourselves and lack trust in our own intuition. We tend to lose sight of what we want or who we truly are because of these core beliefs.

What I suggest is first to begin a meditation practice. It can be short in length but it helps connect the mind and body which is needed to gain insight into our subconscious.

While meditating I would ask yourself questions like "why are you feeling this way? what is it that I am doing or not doing that is causing these distressing feelings?"

Most times we know the answers that are causing us grief, we just need to find them and the first step to finding them is connecting to the parts of ourselves that we don't usually tap into. Here lies the gift of attention and awareness which can be captured through a meditation practice. In our practice lies most of the answers to the questions we seek.

Suggestion: Sit for 10 minutes a day and whenever questions or feelings arise think on them while following your breath. Remember to explore them without judgement or attachment. Allow them to remain as you observe and ponder.

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